Saturday, March 7, 2015


Andrew and I both celebrated our 28th birthdays in the past 3 weeks. Birthdays are so fun, and 28 is going to be great!

For my birthday I wanted to sleep in and go to the mall all by myself. And I did! I woke up late to breakfast in bed with my kids and sweet husband. Then I took a long shower and went shopping. I had a few good coupons and some funds from my family spoiling me for my birthday. It was so relaxing! No kids crying, no stressing that someone is going to wander off. No trying to fit a stroller in a dressing room. Glorious! 

I wanted pizza for dinner, stuffed crust of course :) it was a great, relaxing day!

Then, as if that wasn't enough, Kim and Darrell had us over the next day and spoiled me even more! I'm so lucky to have such an awesome sister and brother in law!

Andrew turned 28 and had a relaxing day too. He slept in and had breakfast in bed as well, a birthday must in our house. Luckily it landed on a day he didn't have to teach or go in for meetings. In fact, he took a lot of time off from working, and it was fun to relax with him and to play with our kids together. 

We had Chinese takeout for dinner, which is what Andrew was craving. And we watched our favorite show after the kids went to bed. I'd say it was a successful day :)

I can't believe how much exciting is happening to our family during our 28th years! 28 is going to be great!

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