Thursday, November 13, 2014


McKenna has only ever pooped in the tub 3 times. Unfortunately, 2 of those times have been in the past several days. The most recent one I don't want to forget, so even though this might embarrass Jake someday, it has made me smile every time I've thought of the "shark" encounter.

I was sitting next to the tub, filled with kids, bubbles, and bath toys, while Andrew was reading to us. I must have looked away for a second because all of a sudden a turd flew out of the tub and landed between my legs with a thud. I looked in surprise at Jake, who looked like he too was going to poop out of fear. He yelled "shark!" in terror, and for the first time that I can remember, he was ready and beyond willing to get out. I laughed and laughed, but mostly because I knew Andrew would clean it up for us. I married such a good man! 

And Jake is winning the poop in the tub contest. Only 1 incident to date. Way to go, kid!

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