Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Today was a good day.  We all slept in- the rain has definitely been doing that to us lately.  8am McKenna came strolling into our room and I jumped out of bed and high-tailed it into action, as we need to leave by 8:35 to get Jake to school on time.  Everybody ate breakfast, was dressed, and I even packed sandwiches and we made it out the door.

Jake loves preschool, and he had another fun day there.  McKenna went to her gym ventures class at the YMCA while I exercised, and we picked Jake up after his hot shots immediately after preschool.  We had a quiet afternoon and then swimming lessons.  McKenna started telling me at about 11:30am that she was tired and wondering over and over if it was almost night time.  So unsurprisingly she was a mess today- crying, then laughing, then crying again.  The teenage years are sounding pretty scary 😳

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